The Debate Debacle- The World is Watching

For those of us who have backed off from politics, we need to get involved

Jocelyn Joy Thomas


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The debate between presidential candidate Joe Biden and Donald Trump was embarrassing.

I’m not a political person, I focus on spirituality, music, travel, and nature for the most part. Politics seem rife with upset and I try to avoid that.

Yet, when it’s an election year, I know I need to tune in and check the political climate. After last night’s debate, I am truly left dumbfounded.

Trump acted like Trump, for many of us who don’t watch the news regularly, this was an unpleasant reminder of how narcissistic he is. He spewed lie after lie.

Then there was Biden.

I have heard him give speeches here and there, the State of the Union was done quite well. Yet, in this debate he looked bewildered, aged, and as if he had downed a bottle of cold medicine before the debate.

Turns out he had a cold so maybe that’s what he did.

Americans are faced with the most unappealing task. To choose between a narcissistic maniac, who seems to have some cognitive decline. Or a lifelong politician, who has the experience and grit to run the country but we must ask ourselves, can he? Is he still…



Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Author, spiritual teacher, and intuitive reader. Writing is my passion and purpose. My shop...