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Twin Flame Relationship
Three common misreads in twin flame love
The topic of Twin Flames is a very popular one yet there is some confusion over what a twin actually is and isn’t. The idea of lifelong true love is a prevalent one, it can often be over-romanticized so it is important to know a few things about twin flame relationships.
Twin flames explained
Twin Flames are souls that share a soul signature. You have an intrinsic bond with your twin. The feeling of being with your twin is one of unparalleled love. There is a mirror-like quality that exists between two twins, looking within this person you see parts of yourself, actions, beliefs, patterns, experiences, these can be both positive and negative.
Twin flame relationships facts
Twins are connected at the soul level; they are never apart as such no matter what is going on in their physical reality.
Twins are able to have a special, almost telepathic bond due to this soul-level connection.
Runners are not running from their twins but rather from themselves. They are running from the mirror-like reflection they see in their partner which signifies the work they have to do on themselves.